Year 5
Spring Term 1
Over this half term, we will be linking our Writing to the story ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Iva Ibbotson, to produce a creative and descriptive narrative.
In Reading, the children will be reading the fictional text, ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Iva Ibbotson which makes excellent use of figurative language to support their understanding of the impact of language and its role in visualisation.
Furthermore, we will be taking a dive into poetry, specifically Haikus - looking at structure and form of the Haikus, their cultural significance, and themes and conventions.
In Maths, students will be continuing to use concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies to solve and show their understanding of different mathematical concepts. This half term we will be focusing on multiplication, including multiples, factors and primes. They will then work towards using formal written methods to multiply.
In Science, the children will be learning about forces. In addition to exploring some of the forces through practical experiments, they will look at key physicists such as Isaac Newton. During practical investigations, children will have an opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding of forces within a real- life context. .
In Geography, the children will be learning about natural features and events that result from the variety of continental plate boundaries across our planet. In particular, earthquakes and volcanoes. This knowledge will be applied by looking at examples of environmental disaster posters, before creating their own.
In History, the children will continue to build on their knowledge of crime and punishment from the autumn term, comparing the similarities and differences between the justice systems of the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Tudors and the Victorians to modern methods.
In Art, the children will be exploring examples of pop art by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Children will look at popular examples and draw inspiration in order to produce their own pop art designs, combining the onomatopoeic words such as ‘ka-boom’ or ‘whoosh’ with carefully considered pattern and colour choices. We will be discussing the meaning of contrasting colours and the benefit that their use can provide in making a particularly effective example of pop art.
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology, the children will be learning about sourcing of a variety of foods and seasonality. The children will research areas of food production such as; rearing, catching and processing. Additionally, year 5 will be tasting and trying different food types, before rating each food and recording their opinions.
In Spanish, the children will be learning about ‘La Ropa’ or ‘clothes’. In addition to distinguishing the difference between masculine and feminine determiners, the children will be practising how to say ‘he wears, she wears, and I wear’.
In PSHE, the children will continue to explore relationships, with a focus on bullying and cyberbullying- how to recognise this is happening and what actions they should take if they believe themselves or someone they know is potentially a victim.